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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Some recent sketches the one on the left was done from Kurami a Japanese restaurant. A while back i did the same sketch but in a large watercolor moleskin but sadly I left that journal in Paris and when i finally realized it was gone it was too late somebody had taken it.The one on the right was done today in Hillsborough.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sketch done from Cup a Joe looking over to Dual hardware supplies W. King St.
This a sketch looking out form the window of the exam room at the doctors office in chapel hill. It was taking so long for the doctor to arrive that i deiced to pull out my sketchbook and started sketching the construction sight across the street.

Some sketches from Carolina beach sorry these are like a week late but like i said before earlier my main computer was down so i was not able to scan and post them. I was staying in the Marriott inn on Carolina beach the top 2 and bottom 2 are of the boardwalk which is a great place to cool off and get a slushy or play 1980s arcade games it use to be pretty rundown but it looks a little better now.The middle one is of a crane near the marina at Carolina beach.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The one on the left was drawn from the Italian restaurant Dell Angelo which is located along Avenue Rapp.The one on the right is also drawn from Cafe Le Week End but is of Hopital Laennec.
The one on the left is the back of The Madeleine I drew it form cafe Madeleine.The on the right is of the last Gare de Metro along Boulevard De Grenelle before it passes over the Seine.

The the sketch on the left is of La Grande Epicerie De Paris It was drawn from Cafe Le Week End 65, rue de Sevres .The one on the right was done looking through the mirror at an Agatha jewelry store in Paris it was near Les Deux Magots.

Here are some sketches from Paris
As soon as i walked into the airport I sat down and stared sketching my luggage and the pay phones.

This is the sketch I made while waiting in Philadelphia .
This is gate 22 at RDU international it was delayed for 2 hours because of back of from bad weather in the morning.Luckily we had 3 hours to wait in Philadelphia and then are flight there was also delayed till 10 pm.
My computers been down for about 2 months now that was really annoying because i was not able to upload my new sketches from my trip to France over Easter.